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Helpful Plumbing Tips

13 Steps to Replacing a Shower Faucet

Replacing your shower faucet all alone can seem overwhelming, even impossible if you have no previous experience with household plumbing tasks. In fact, you’re probably already picking up the phone to call a plumber in Yorba Linda to take care of the issue for you. However, don’t throw in the towel just yet. While not easy, and can certainly be complicated, you can replace your shower faucet alone if you follow a comprehensive guide.

How do I replace my shower faucet?

When you’re preparing to replace your shower faucet, know that it may get frustrating, but quite manageable, especially if you prepare all the necessary tools. Before you start working on your faucet, gather the following items:

  • Set of pliers
  • Tube cutting
  • Solder
  • Rags for cleaning
  • A saw (either a reciprocating or a hand saw)

Once you’ve gathered all the essentials, it’s time to start replacing your faucet, one step at a time:

How do I replace my shower faucet

Turning the water off

First things first – you need to turn off all water supply to your house and turn on a faucet(s) to drain water from your pipes. There should be a main shut-off valve located on the side of the house, or in the garage.  If you cannot locate the valve, or do not have one, you can turn the water off at the valve located in the meter box.

Removing the trim

Once you’ve turned the water off, it’s time to remove the outer trim of the showerhead and the handle of your faucet. The correct procedure for removing these components varies depending on the type of faucet and its manufacturer. However, you can remove most faucets by either pulling off different components or unscrewing them. You can check the manufacturer’s website for instructions on your specific model.

Removing the valve

Installing a new valve requires removal of the old one. Depending on your home and your specific bathroom design, this may require you to open a section of drywall behind the shower since the valve is located in the wall. Once the valve is exposed, cut the water pipes that connect to the valve and remove it fully.

Choosing a new valve

You have to choose a suitable new shower or shower/tub valve kit to replace your old one. If you plan on using both the showerhead and the tub, you need a valve with two inlets – for hot and cold water. Also, it needs two have two outlets – for both the tub spout and showerhead.

Sweating your pipes

Sweating your pipes means using a torch and solder to seal the pipes where the pipes and the new valve connect. This is usually why homeowners hire professional plumbers to replace their shower faucet. And we agree. This is a complicated procedure for many, but you can do it with some practice if you are up to the challenge.

Assembling the valve

As you install the new valve, you can look at your old valve and ensure you’re doing it properly. Don’t heat the new valve to avoid damaging its internal components. You can use soldering or push-and-lock connectors for the rest of the piping. Once done, make sure everything fits well.

Placing the stringer

To ensure the new faucet works well, you’ll need to make sure that your new valve is at the right depth. This requires the installation of a new stringer that supports your valve. Your valve probably comes with instructions on how to determine the proper stringer depth before mounting.

Confirming no leaks

Before you test your connections, check the instruction manual once again to ensure you’ve properly assembled everything. Then, turn the water on to the house and inspect for any leaks at all connections. If not, you’re good to go to the next step.

Connecting the cartridge

If your valve didn’t have a  cartridge, you’re going to have to install it on your own. The most important thing to pay attention to is whether the cartridge is positioned per instructions. Then, simply push the cartridge into your new valve and align it with the slots. Once you’ve done that, insert and tighten the bonnet nut till it is secured.

Installing the tub spout

Different tub spouts require different installations, and you should carefully inspect your manufacturer instructions before proceeding. This is the only way to ensure you’re installing everything correctly.

Installing the showerhead

Almost all showerheads have the same installation procedure which involves screwing them onto the shower arm. Also, make sure to use Teflon tape to ensure a tight fit without leaky connections.

Connecting the trim handle

This requires a certain sleeve to fit it over the cartridge and the valve. Don’t forget about the O-ring. Also, the last part that you place should be the escutcheon (faceplate). It goes over the sleeve and against the wall. To ensure a good seal, put caulking around the faceplate where it touches the shower wall.

Which experienced plumber in Yorba Linda should I hire to replace my shower faucet?

plumber in Yorba Linda

Replacing your shower faucet is one of the important, yet complicated household know-hows. If you are a do-it-yourself, you should also learn about some of the ways you can unclog your shower drain, learn about best practices for unclogging your kitchen sink, and also know why your faucets might be leaking and how you can fix them. However, if you’re unsure how to tackle all these problems, you should also know which plumbers to hire.

OneStop Plumbers is your go-to company that serves the residents of Yorba Linda and all the surrounding communities. It doesn’t matter if your home is near Richard Nixon Library & Museum or at another location in the area – we’re here for you. Our plumbers are experienced and knowledgeable professionals who will identify and resolve your problems quickly and efficiently. Reach out to us today and tell us what you need us to do.


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